DropBack - Falling Backward ↩️
They say “ You’re as Young as your Spine is Flexible”.....Backbends are one of the most important practices you can do.
Dropping back can be a little scary 😨especially in the beginning, that’s why it’s important to get grounded before you start it, your Legs and Feet are the foundation 🦶🏼🦵🏼 These are some warm-ups☝🏼 that will definitely help you to get there, or to have a flexible back in general 💚
Bird of Paradise pose 🌸
Well it’s not a bird at all 😁 it’s a Tropical flower with colorful petals that looks like a flying bird 🦜 Same as this Asana (Pose), it’s a collection of Balance, legs strength, core muscles and shoulders flexibility. It also helps you focus on the Drishti (Gaze), so you won’t lose balance.🕴🏻
Let me know how it’s going with you, and don’t hesitate to share with me your experience if you want 😉🙏🏼
Crow pose or Bakasana.
As an advanced level, Crow pose is an Arm balancing asana that relies on the Abs and Arms.
This video is an introduction to this pose if you’re working on it or need some keys to make it happen 🗝 One important thing, is your Gaze 👀, always look forward with your “Gaze” and not your “neck”.
If you can do it but can’t stay for a long time up, try to engage your Glutes and arms. And most importantly “Breathe” 😁
I've recorded an episode about Yoga on New Year's Eve 2019 with a bunch of lovely broadcasters on El Hayah channel.
It was about what is Yoga, what are its benefits and doing some refreshing practice that is suitable for all levels.
An episode about Yoga introduction with the nicest broadcaster Sherif Madkour on El Nahar channel.
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info@yogawithnour.ch | Stay Balanced🌻